Category: Spiritual Direction

And Nothing Would Again be Casual and Small

“We have a perfect Author writing our story.  That means that every detail is carefully chosen to advance his plot.  He does not fill pages just to fill pages, and He wastes nothing.” – Claire Dwyer


Spiritual Direction: My Greatest Joy

“Despite the enormous love and gratitude I have for my vocation to the priesthood, my ministry of spiritual direction remains, unexpectedly, the greatest joy of my life.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


Things I’ve Learned in Spiritual Direction, Part 3: The Lies We Listen To

“We hear variations of the lie that we are ‘not enough.’ And yet we have the precise gifts for our particular family, for our exact calling, for this specific cross, in this time, at this place, for this season.  God promises only daily bread, and it is made to order.  We do not have the grace for anyone else’s life—or even for tomorrow—but we have all we need to become more fully ourselves, which is more like Christ, today.” – Claire Dwyer


What is a “program of life” and why is it important to my spiritual progress?

“The Program of Life, then, is like a spiritual workout program that ensures spiritual growth because it is customized to the individual’s needs and opportunities. When we meet with our spiritual director, it is good to start by going over the headlines, but, reviewing together the main points of the Program of Life is the real path to consistent, substantial progress.” – Fr. John Bartunek


Mistaken Identity

“St. Paul’s message is clear. We belong to God. All the many roles and functions we might play in this world cannot add to or alter the identity God has imprinted within us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

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