Category: Videos

Mindfulness and Catholic Mystical Tradition (Video)

Is mindfulness a helpful practice and should a Catholic participate in in it? In this video Dan Burke compares mindfulness to Catholic mystical tradition and reveals the best way for Catholics to understand this practice and the path they should take as they seek to deepen their faith and be more present to God and those whom He has placed in their care.


Snow and the Spiritual Life

What does snow have to do with the spiritual life? Find out as Father Michael Najim draws out a spiritual lesson from it, which can help us grow in holiness.


The Cross of Father DiAngelo

What might the dark night look like for a priest? For that matter, what might the dark night look like for anyone? Find out in this profoundly moving video “The Cross of Father DiAngelo” by Richard K. Carlton, on this memorial of St. John Vianney, patron of priests, confessors and pastors.

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